Saturday, May 16, 2009

cyrano de bergerac

Q: A kiss is a rosy dot over the "i" of loving.

C: I love this quote because its simple but has a lot of meaning !! I think its one of the cutest quotes I've read !!

Q: Why dont people talk like this anymore ?? Its soo sophisticated.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cyrano De Bergerac

Q:"Im just an honest, simple, terrified soldier."
I like this quote from my play because i think it comes from his heart and it sounds very influential.
? Doesnt It take a man alot just to say those 4 words?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

new moon

" Elizabeth wants Bella."
I like this quote because it sounds mysterious.
?: Why does she want Bella?

new moon

" Why is unconditional love so hurtful?"
I like this quote/question because it sounds so , beautiful.
?: How do you know when you find your first true love?

new moon

" They feel like family."
I like this quote because I can relate to it. I feel like some people I just meet are family, sometimes.
?: If you love friends like their family, can they be?
Because if you never see your family and you see your freinds everyday, and you dont really like some family members, but you love your friends. Its confusing !!

new moon

" My best friends a warewolve."
I like this quote because Bella says it so calm. She doesnt even put an exclamation mark.
?: Why isnt Bella scared of her new warewolve friends?

new moon

" I dont even know why I was upset."
I like this quote because It relates to me. I never know why I get upset after Im upset. It makes no sense.
?: Why is there different emotions in the world?
If there wasnt any emotions, how would the world be?

new moon

q: "Vampires dont scare me."
I like this quote because I think its fasinating that some people think they are fearless.
?: Why do people fear things?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Little Rascles

Exposition: A group of young boys are in a club that requires to not like girls.
Rising action: Alfalpha starts to like a girl named Delilah and they go on a series of unknown dates.
Climax: Delilah thinks Alfalpha is a jerk so she leaves to this other rich boy.
Falling action: Alfalpha and his club enter a race and Alfalpha only enters to win Delilah back.
Resolution: Alfalpha ends up getting Delilah back.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

new moon

"We will keep you safe, I promise."
I think this quote would make me feel super confertable if someone said this to me in a serious attitude. I have trust issues and sometimes when people tell me something I dont take them seriously, but if I can feel their feelings go through to me I know for a fact how they are meaning to say it. Thats why I say to pinkey promise to me. But I know that Jacob really meant it when he said this to Bella because when I read I picture every little detail the auther provides and when I pictured this quote I read, I knew right away that Jacob was being serious and honest.

?: Would if saying "I promise" doesnt mean anything to some people?
?: Then what would you feel like if someone told you they promised and they really meant it with all their heart, and you didnt beleive in promises?
?: How do you think the person who beleives in promises would feel?

new moon

"Even though her face has all those scars, I can still see her beauty."
I love this quote because I know that people always judge a book by its cover, meaning that if random people would of saw Emily, the main warewolves feancee, they would of said she looked ugly, but if they would get to know her they could tell she has lots of beauty. For example she is a warewolves feancee and she tolerates a lot from others, im sure, and she treats her feancee like a king, and she cooks for the whole pack, and she loves them like there her family. And I call that beauty.

?: Why are people soooooo mean, and before they even get to know your name they tell other people, and themselves, that they dont like you ?

Monday, March 16, 2009

new moon

"he's one of them"
This quote inspired me not to talk about people or discriminate because now I know how much it hurts to be talked about and its not fun. Who wants to be talked about? How do you pevent being talked about? Why do people do it? Does it make them feel better about them selves? Do they have problems and try to lower other people down to their level? This qoute is really confusing to me because if hes one of them then what are you?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

new moon

"How lucky that i was alone."

I think thatthis quote is a very interesting quote. I dont think i ever heard that anyone wants to be alone and that their lucky if they are. I know for a fact that i never want to be alone. Unless im sick .

Why would some one want to be alone? Dos she have problems ? Is she ok? What is wrong with her? Is she sick?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

new moon

" i accually like spending time with jacob"

I like this quote because i Know how it feels to not like some one then like them after you meet them and know them well !! I do it a lot. I dont like anyone that i dont know well then i meet them and they become my best friend !!
For example: i did not like jamie when i first met her but now she is my bestest friend ever !!!

My question is: How can people ( i ) be so mean to others when you dont know them yet ? You dont know their personality so how can you not like some one ?? Is that mean to not like someone when you dont know them or is it just a stage that every one goes through ??

new moon

" it will be as if i never existed"

i like this quote because it sounds very sad !! and i am sad right now because of some reasons !! But some times i do wish some people never existed then later I feel bad because i thought about that !!

My question is : can you ever not think about people ever again? can you just stop thinking about some one ? Is it impossible?

Friday, February 13, 2009


" i wanted to attack him but i didnt"
i like this quote because i feel exactly like that sometimes with people i dont like.
why didnt edward just attack him then?
I can so relate to this quote because i have a bad temper especially when people get to me. Its hard for people to get to me but when they cross the line its OVER!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

9o minutes in heaven

My favorite quote from the part I read in the book is "Make time for you, your family and your friends." my comment about this quote is that I 100 % agree with it because life isnt just about working hard its about everything that supports you to which are you, your family, and your friends. My question on this quote is : why not work hard when it gets you no where? Or: How are you going to pay for thing if you dont have a job or work hard ?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

90 minutes in heaven

Don is being selfish and wants to go back to heaven and leave his wife and 2 kids to stuggle !! i dont think this is fair !!! he is being rude and doesnt want to be in pain for 1 or 2 more months just for his family !!!! not nice DON !!!! - catarina ashley !!! <3333

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

90 minutes in heaven

My other favorite quote from 90 minutes in heaven is on page 109. " So humble yourselves under the mighty power of GOD, and in his good time he will honor you. Give all your worries and cares to GOD, for he cares about what happens to you." My biggest question here is HOW DOES GOD LOVE YOU WHEN I NEVER SEEN HIM BEFORE AND I DONT KNOW WHO HE IS AND PEOPLE SAY THAT HE IS NOT REAL? I dont understand this at all. My comment on this quote is that GOD will love you no matter what and take care of your worries.

90 minutes in heaven

My other favorite quote from this book is "He is your GOD, the one who is worthy of your praise, the one who has done mighty miracles that you yourself has seen." My question is how have we seen him heal mighty miracles when no one has seen GOD himself before or after Adam and Eve? My comment about this quote is that yes GOD is worthy of your praise so why go on to another religon when GOD is the one who created you and me. I am so confused. I think GOD did create all of this world and the people who contain it. So what is the other religons about? How are they studding about someone else that says they created this world when we all no GOD did? AHHHHH!

90 minutes in heaven

My favorite quote in this book was " I will give you back health and heal your wounds, says the lord. Now you are called an outcast-'Jerusalem for whom nobody cares.'" I really like this quote a lot because its saying that the lord is protecting you and will heal you if you have wounds. My question is how will he heal you when he lives in heaven and Jesus hasnt been preasent for over 10000000000000000 years? My comment is that everyone should beleive in this quote made by GOD himself so when they have a wound he himself will heal you and you will be called an outcast for whom nobody cares.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My opinon on media

Media is a form of communication such as tv, newspaper, and the radio.
I like media because if we didnt have it then how would we know what the weather would be like, or who won the superbowl, or even what celeberty got cought with drugs this time. All of these things are told to the people with media. Thats why i like it.

90 minutes in heaven

Don was on his way home and a semi truck was on the wrong side of the bridge so the truck ran over Dons car and he died for 90 minutes. A priest came into the smashed car and prayed for a dead person but a miracle happened and Don came back to life with serious damage that caused him to be in the hospital for almost 2 years with serious pain.