Thursday, April 23, 2009

new moon

"We will keep you safe, I promise."
I think this quote would make me feel super confertable if someone said this to me in a serious attitude. I have trust issues and sometimes when people tell me something I dont take them seriously, but if I can feel their feelings go through to me I know for a fact how they are meaning to say it. Thats why I say to pinkey promise to me. But I know that Jacob really meant it when he said this to Bella because when I read I picture every little detail the auther provides and when I pictured this quote I read, I knew right away that Jacob was being serious and honest.

?: Would if saying "I promise" doesnt mean anything to some people?
?: Then what would you feel like if someone told you they promised and they really meant it with all their heart, and you didnt beleive in promises?
?: How do you think the person who beleives in promises would feel?

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