Thursday, April 23, 2009

new moon

"We will keep you safe, I promise."
I think this quote would make me feel super confertable if someone said this to me in a serious attitude. I have trust issues and sometimes when people tell me something I dont take them seriously, but if I can feel their feelings go through to me I know for a fact how they are meaning to say it. Thats why I say to pinkey promise to me. But I know that Jacob really meant it when he said this to Bella because when I read I picture every little detail the auther provides and when I pictured this quote I read, I knew right away that Jacob was being serious and honest.

?: Would if saying "I promise" doesnt mean anything to some people?
?: Then what would you feel like if someone told you they promised and they really meant it with all their heart, and you didnt beleive in promises?
?: How do you think the person who beleives in promises would feel?

new moon

"Even though her face has all those scars, I can still see her beauty."
I love this quote because I know that people always judge a book by its cover, meaning that if random people would of saw Emily, the main warewolves feancee, they would of said she looked ugly, but if they would get to know her they could tell she has lots of beauty. For example she is a warewolves feancee and she tolerates a lot from others, im sure, and she treats her feancee like a king, and she cooks for the whole pack, and she loves them like there her family. And I call that beauty.

?: Why are people soooooo mean, and before they even get to know your name they tell other people, and themselves, that they dont like you ?