Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Maya angelou

1. "I remind myself that it is sufficient that i know what i know and know that without believing that i will always know what i know or that what i know will always be true." What i liked abut this quote is that Maya is very confident in herself and she knows what she knows will always be true. To her.
2. Poem: " peace alarming frequency i can except
humors will no longer become my close companion
impossible of no return i wake
anyone i answer memories
heart of disbelief follows death
and anger finds the heroic question"
Catarina Boyer

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


QUOTED BY:CATARINA: " Good-bye mom and dad. Good-bye shopping. Good-bye high tech high friends. Good-bye good teachers that taught me good things. Good-bye MYSPACE, where i met a lot of my new friends. Good-bye white board that screatched when ms. kay wrote on it. Good-bye my lovley friends, that i will miss forever!!!!! Good-bye clothes, that kept me warm and covered. Good-bye my sisters that i would yell at when i was mad. Good-bye my life. I will mis it like no other thing. GOOD-BYE !!!!!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

romiette and julio

romiette expiriences her worst nightmare and more !!! she realizes that the mans voice she was hearing was the devil dogs and julio was in the same situation !!! they were terribly scared and didnt know what to do !!! 

romiette and julio

when the devil dogs threaten romiette and julio that they will tech them a leason  romiette and julio come up with a plan to escape !!! but the plan doesnt work so they are in a deadly situation !!! 

romiette and julio

romiette has a dream that she is drowning in a pool of water and a mans voice is talking to her but she doesnt know what he is saying !!! when she wakes up she feels nervous and scared !!! 

romiette and julio

romiette asked her mom if she thinks she is a nerd and her mom said that she is not a nerd she is just smart !!  so now she told her friend that shes not nerdy shes smart and her friends are making fun of her !! romiette saw julio and fell in love !!! then she thought she was to nerdy for him !! 

our town

emily told george that he has changed and george told emily thank you for noticing !! emily had told george that he has been selfish and not noticing other people !!! then george asked emily if she wanted a shake and she said yes !! 

our town

emily asked her mom if she was pretty and her mom said that she believes all her children have good traits !!! emily asked again and her mom said that she is pretty !!! then emily asked her dad and he said yes !! i think that emily is asking everyone that becuase she likes george. 

Friday, October 10, 2008

apocalipse 2012

i just finish reading a book called apocolipse 2012. its about the world ending in 2012. it is written by one man. tht gives you a hint that it cannot be true. so anywayz the book says that the earth only has 4 suns and all 3 of our suns already passed by and now we our on our 4th sun and in 2012 the world is going to end.

romiette and julio

i am reading a book called romiette and julio. i love it and i cant stop reading it !!! sorry kay i borrowed it with out letting you know. SORRY !!!!! anyways i love it !! its about a girl that is a nerd and she is in love with this new kid. basically thats all i read. im barley on page 20.

our town

i read our town. my reflection: i like the story our town becuase its very interesting!!! i missed some of the story becuase i was absent but based on what we read i believe that george is in love with emily and emily is in love with george. i am very into the story and i cant wait till we finish it.